Notices -

Wednesday 7th of February, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
Arts Showquest Meeting CAV
  Interested in being involved in our Showquest team for 2024? Come along to a meeting this FRIDAY lunchtime in T4. We will decide our regular weekly meeting times and have a discussion around our theme for this years performance - so bring your ideas!

Expectations Routines MUS
  It is the expectation this year that you line up before each of your classes and sit where your teacher has allocated your desk. We appreciate your co-operation.

Seniors 11-13 Job Opportunity DEA
  Thinking about getting into a trade? Roofing could be the one. Based here on Waiheke, Metalpro Roofing & Cladding specialises in
re-roofing and new builds. We offer decent money, a welcoming team culture, and the opportunity to learn new skills. This is a full-time opportunity for a school leaver. See the job opportunities board outside the Careers Office for details.

Sport Tag WOO
  Year 7 & 8 students wishing to play tag in the Central Zone tournament please meet Mr Wood on the front field at the start of lunch today.

Sport Touch Rugby WOO
  Touch rugby training is on at lunchtime today on the front field. Please be changed and ready to start 5 minutes after the bell has rug.n